POST: PageSpeed Insights

PageSpeed Insights

PageSpeed Insights can give you a pretty accurate idea of how your Website is perceived by potential customers. Long wait times can impact your site's bounce rates, especially on mobile devices. It is worth the time spent optimizing your pages for speed.

Have a look at the PageSpeed Insights for

Two views are shown with the Mobile Tab being the default view. Chances are your Desktop performance is going to be a little better than your Mobile performance. Also shown is the data that makes up your performance score.

  • First Contentful Paint
  • Speed Index
  • Largest Contentful Paint
  • Time to Interactive
  • Total Blocking Time
  • Cumulative Layout Shift


Sites that use 3rd party software such as Open Source CMS software (Wordpress, Drupal, etc) tend to be slower because they are loading a ton of code that is not required to render the page.

Loading in the Bootstrap library to use 6% of the Library is a good example.

Loading in jQuery or jQuery plugins that are not used. A lot of libraries are loaded with features and this can become a burden on your page speed.

In the case of CSS and Javascript you can defer loading if you are struggling to get a good page speed.

Although Google itself does not rank you based on page speed, your audience is doing just that.

By simply loading a 3rd party resource at the end of the body instead of in the head you can gain a ton of speed.